
The energy sector is experiencing an unprecedented growth in Africa with the discoveries a large reserves of oil and gas in West Africa ( Senegal, Ghana, Ivory Coast) and East Africa in Kenya. The recent trends predict a new market similar to Middle East in West Africa and ongoing researches and drilling may confirm this prediction.

However we are more focused on our core competencies acquired in the renewable energy and more specifically the solar energy.

Our team is made of professionals the majority of whom have worked in the solar industry for at least 2 to 5 years and we still have a strong relationship with some of the best companies in China including the second largest one in terms the sales volumes through China. We offer enough space to customers to appreciate the products’ quality and price, delivery catalogs and quotations to specific customers upon request. Our platform covers all solar products, ranging from the solar panels, inverters, batteries, controllers, chargers, solar water heaters, solar lamps, solar waves etc…