
Product Identification

A request on any product sent to us prior to your arrival in China will help us located the key industries, make the necessary comparative search and study on price and quality, give you a recommendation on the best product, and contact the factory or sellers in advance. We can even send brochure and catalogs in paper or e-version upon request and availability.

1.    We can offer the latest information of the products exhibition in China, and recommend the most suitable exhibition in China for enterprises to participate in accordance with the products of the participants and customer source. We can arrange you to attend the Canton Fair and Shanghai Fair, which are the most famous international fair in China and attract businessmen from all over the world to participate in every year.

2.    You can send us pictures and gave us a detailed introduction of your products. And then we can exhibit your products on our web.

3. We can also facilitate your first level contact with Embassies and our other channels for Chinese business people in their quest for raw products such as fruits and sea products in Africa.